Hi. I'm Solar Olugebefola

A web developer interested in functional things.

My background is in Materials Engineering, but now I build things online.

My serious interest in the web began in graduate school, when I was tasked with building my research group's website. I taught myself HTML, CSS, and Javascript while sitting, waiting for data from an atomic force microscope.

In the past few years I learned other object-oriented languages like Python and then went full-bore into the back and front ends.

I am comfortable working in highly interdisciplinary, highly collaborative teams both large (managing a laboratory with 8 professors, innumerable postdocs, grad students and undergraduates) and small (co-running the annual MIT climbing competition).

I am looking for the next challenge, the next opportunity to learn, and most importantly the chance to apply my skills towards making something invaluable.

See some of my recent work.

I am versed in a few programming languages.

And a few frameworks.

Ruby and Rails

I looove Ruby and Rails and models and controllers and views and RESTful design and especially "rails magic." All MVC is my friend.

Javascript, jQuery, React.js

Have you tried React routing? It will change your life!


I saw the prettiest thing just the other day in Canvas!

My recent projects.

A bit of something for everyone.

Here's my contact info.

All the good stuff, like my resumé, my github, and my fancy linkedIn.